welcome to conespiracy!

shrine to apocalypse dj

smash into pieces is a small swedish rock band composed of three diet-pepsi post-apoc dudes
and their domestic pet cryptid, who this page is dedicated to.
if rock is alcohol, smash into pieces are a shot glass: to the point and highly effective.
i was introduced to them during mello 2023, as my swedish friend pushed me to watch it with them.
best choice i ever made.
members: chris (vocals), ben (lead guitar), per (rhythm guitar), apoc (drums)
links: youtube | imginn (instagram sans account)

apocalypse dj is a skilled drummer, dj and superhero, as hinted at by their instagram bio and posts.
they have telekinesis, unmatched reflexes and, as of 2024, little laser pointer finger things.

what draws me to apoc is that they're just.. a thing. they're a good parallel to autistic joy,
and their silly little moments parallel my own urges to be random and excited, especially in public.
they hold up 'free hugs' signs. they hug inanimate objects. they do silly little dances backstage.
their fingers are wiggly. they act like a silly little thing in front of a camera. and they do it all
whilst looking really hulking and.. vaguely intimidating. if apoc can do it, surely i can? X)
when nobody's looking, apoc goes off and politely causes chaos.
i'm surprised the band doesn't tangle a harness in the back of that hood wrap sometimes lol

generic facts:
- apoc loves dogs (source: sommarlov 2023 interview)
- they bake cupcakes with lasers!!!
- if arcadia and six feet under weren't enough clue, they like video games
(their instagram has clips and photos of arcade games like jurassic world and super bikes 3) - they can drive???
- they like pizza and popcorn
- quote from chris: "apoc's in his own world, as usual"
- does not eat breakfast
- VERY strong parental instincts when it comes to mini apoc plushies
(i need one so bad)
apoc does not mind what you call them. the disco ball clip from mello 2024 has an interviewer ask and conclude 'it does not matter'.
so like. he/any?