welcome to conespiracy!

if you are new, please read this

balloons 15k!!! balloons

status: guess who's back!! updating site back and forth

flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif flashing cone gif image of various seemingly-random trails of orange traffic cones.

welcome to the cone website! (should be mobile friendly, i tried)

I built this place as a hub for information, since it's so sparse.

Despite appearing relatively inanimate, traffic cones are a vibrant species in more than just hue. They have a rich history, along with a bunch of fascinating habits and features. This site is dedicated to recording as much information on them as possible, since it's clear nobody else considers it a worthwhile venture. Except maybe Morgan and Scanlon, but none of their notes are actually public.

Old guestbook backed up here.

conespiracy is not affiliated with, but thoroughly supports, the existence and studies of the traffic cone preservation society. we may have come to different conclusions, but any movement to preserve the cones is a movement i can get behind. do they have a mini button yet?

Zephyr - eldercone.jpg
Tjing - orange_square_ora.png
@raisonxiel - art commissions
w3schools - free CSS base
various unsplash/pexels/pixabay images, in accordance with their respective licenses
and a few hand-taken cone pics people looked at me weird for. X)

(if any of my links are dead, please email me. there's a lot, i lose track sometimes.)